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Welcome in my textures pages! If you're looking for original backgrounds to adorn your site or desktop I think you'll be satisfied.

Click here or on an image in the left column and you'll enter in my galleries!

But maybe you also need to read under here!
--- Each page you'll access will have only two arrow-links, one to turn back here and one to view another background. To download a texture right-click with your mouse on every point of this frame, except on the arrows, or on the correspondent image in the left column. A little menu will pop up and from that menu select "Save Image As". ---

These textures are out of any kind of copyright (if this definition makes any sense in Internet), I can say it for sure in that I made almost all of them completely by myself, and if in some cases I started out from images that I found somewhere I worked so long on them that they are now completely different and considerable as something original.

So, you're able to use these textures freely, and in case you would like to thank me, put my link on your site.

Note: contrast and saturation of these backgrounds are quite high; if you want to use them in your site you will probably need to make them brighter or to darken them, depending on kind and colour of the text you are going to put on.
--- To make this adjustements you will need a program for bitmap images editing, like Paint Shop Pro, among the others, and you should know how to use it a little bit.
A little trick I can tell you: because I compressed very much these textures, don't save directly the files you've just obtained modifying the originals, but use the option "save with name" so that you'll be able to choose a different compression ratio than that I used; this will prevent your image from crumbling more. ---

If you want to contact me, this is my e-mail address.